By Tom Lipp on Tuesday, 07 April 2020
Category: Financial Insights

How to Regain Economic Stability?

In March of 2020 it seems like the whole world went over the COVID-19 cliff. The pandemic is horrible, but so is the collateral damage, and that may be even worse for some people. What to do? Here are some tips from my wonderful wife: Practical Priscilla, Professional Homemaker and Management Consultant:

    1. Acknowledge to God that you have a problem and need help.
    2. Balance. Start measuring what your income and outflows are. Measure so you can manage. Try using Your Money Kitchen or some other cash flow tool.
    3. Contentment. List your blessings! Find someone poorer than you that you can share with.

The Book of Proverbs in the Bible has a secret formula for establishing or regaining financial security. It is counter intuitive. The math is simple 2 – 1 = 3. It works at all income levels.

The following six texts reveal the secret. Give to the poor!

  1. He who gives to the poor will never want.
  2. Happy is he who is gracious to the poor.
  3. One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD and He will repay him for his good deed.
  4. There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more….The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.
  5. He who oppresses the poor taunts his Maker, but he who is gracious to the needy honors Him.
  6. He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.

Of course, we all want to start working like normal again. In time, but this is something you can do even before you start working. Don't wait until you are richer before you start giving. BIG MISTAKE. Instead give from the little you have. You will be glad you did! But be sure to give to the poorer and not to the richer, because giving to the rich backfires; it leads to poverty.

If you are a client of Financial FOUNDATIONS Limited, you can use your special Coupon Code to get a 100% discount as you register. If not please register according to your income level.

Tom Lipp