Using the User Dashboard

Once you’ve logged into the site, you will be redirected to the User Dashboard. The User Dashboard is the primary hub of your experience, where you can get started on reading, where you can access the Study Guides and other resources, and where you can update your account details, such as your password and email address.

Explore by Dimensions

There are four primary ways to navigate the content on Wisdom with Wealth. Select here the dimension you want to explore first.


Study Guides

For your benefit and ours, we’ve developed Study Guides on topics we think are most important. Study Guides will cover every aspect of your finances from how you make your money and how you receive it. If you’re not sure quite where to start exploring the site, we recommend you start off with a Study Guide. As the site grows and expands, more Study Guides will become available.


Edit Account Info and Subscription Details

You can view or change your account information and details here, such as subscription type and subscription remaining. Renewing or upgrading subscriptions can be done here as well.


Remember to register before attempting to login.