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Canadian Federal Election 2019: Post-Mortem

crs parker johnson v0OWc skg0g unsplashI love my day-job, but I admit that I thoroughly enjoyed my foray into the political arena. Like many Canadians, I am dissatisfied with the big political parties. When I discovered the Christain Heritage Party (CHP) and personally got to know its leadership, I was impressed. Finally, a party with values based on unchanging principles of law, order, truth, and love. I’m far more concerned with being scientifically correct than politically correct. I found it to be the only party with a message of hope. A blast of fresh air.

In September both previous CHP candidates in the riding of Bow River backed out, and since I lived in this riding I was asked to step into the fray. Having received proper clearance from Portfolio Strategies, and most of all from my wonderful wife, I agreed to run.

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1226 Hits

The Great Reset Robbery

reset buttonCan you remember last time you pushed the reset button on your phone or computer? Pushing a reset button is usually a non-event. Most electronics are designed with reset buttons, used to get everything working properly again. They normally restart the system quickly. Simple. Easy. Painless. What about “The Great Reset” politicians are talking about? Will this be as easy as pushing a button? And, more importantly, will it really improve our world?

Reset buttons exist because technological systems have a “manufacturer's default” they can revert back to. Here's the problem as I see it: The global financial system is not a piece of electronic engineering with default working conditions, at least not yet. Global economic and banking systems were not designed for a “Great Reset."

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