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The Great Reset Robbery

reset buttonCan you remember last time you pushed the reset button on your phone or computer? Pushing a reset button is usually a non-event. Most electronics are designed with reset buttons, used to get everything working properly again. They normally restart the system quickly. Simple. Easy. Painless. What about “The Great Reset” politicians are talking about? Will this be as easy as pushing a button? And, more importantly, will it really improve our world?

Reset buttons exist because technological systems have a “manufacturer's default” they can revert back to. Here's the problem as I see it: The global financial system is not a piece of electronic engineering with default working conditions, at least not yet. Global economic and banking systems were not designed for a “Great Reset."

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1765 Hits

Spiritual Secrets to Successful Money Management - Part 2 of 7: Serve Others

working hard or hardly workingThree years ago I was in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, with my son Timothy, and we were walking in the intersection of three, small streets when we noticed a large, broken brick on the road. I stooped down, grabbed the brick, and flung it into the nearby bushes. Timothy asked, “Dad, why did you do that?” Surprised, I explained that the stone was clearly a traffic hazard, and it only took a few seconds to clear away. He replied that in a Hindu country dirty, menial tasks are left for the lowest cast, or viewed as karma from the gods for some unsuspecting cyclist. But I had been trained by my parents to be a blessing to others. Sadly, many individuals and nations have significant financial trouble simply because they don’t apply this second secret. They don’t work to serve others.

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2014 Hits


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