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How to Work Better — Part 7 of 9: First Plan the Work, Then WORK the Plan (Day 5)

finish your plansMany people in the Western world have financial problems because of bad work habits. They are struggling with basic skills. It’s time we all went back and learned from our Creator. This is our seventh lesson on improving our personal productivity based on the Bible. In Genesis chapter one, God gave us a day by day account of how He made everything. Do you remember what God did on day two of seven? He made two large “arenas.” At the end of Day Two, unlike the ending of all the other days, there was nothing “good” to see. There were just two large empty spaces: The sky above and the waters below. God prepared the spaces on Day Two, and then on Day Five, God filled them with living creatures.

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How to Work Better — Part 6 of 9: Use Schedules (Day 4)

how to work better: use schedulesThis is our sixth lesson in improving personal productivity based on a study of Genesis chapter one.

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,” and it was so. God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.

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How to Work Better — Part 1 of 9: Spirit-Led Planning

start with a good mapIt’s summer! Who wants to work? Not me! But imagine: Planning more, acting less, and yet ending up with better results. This is the first in series on improving personal productivity, based on the first chapter in the Bible. Why start there? Think about it; God gave us a whole chapter describing how He made everything. Most believe Genesis chapter one is a myth or merely poetry. Big mistake. Others get caught up in the young earth/old earth debate. Big distraction. Join me in learning from our Creator how we can improve our work habits by copying some aspects of His working style. Clearly we are not God; we cannot command things into existence. But we are made in His image as creative beings and therefore we enjoy creative activities. Let’s learn from our Creator, starting at the beginning.

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