“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever, and does a crown endure to all generations? When the grass is gone and the new growth appears and the vegetation of the mountains is gathered, the lambs will provide your clothing, and the goats the price of a field. There will be enough goats’ milk for your food, for the food of your household, and maintenance of your girls.”

27.23 rs breadbutter 96778977Get back to basics—better yet, never abandon them. Self-producing resources provide better security than wealth or position. This message is not just for shepherds and ranchers; it applies to our choice of investments.

Some investments are idle (cash, precious, metals, jewellery) and others are dynamic (dividend paying and capital growth stocks, corporate or government bonds). The text promotes the second type of investment, even if caring for animals is harder than counting coins. Real financial security always requires initiative and industry—either our own or someone else's. Security does not come through passive reliance on hoarded wealth, and surely not on government aid.

But does the text imply that we should all “return to the land?” Are farmers more financialy secure than city dwellers?

Classic KJV - Proverbs 27:23

Slow Wealth Strategy

27.23 rs curioussheep rgb mggZwsGAnimal husbandry is a dirty job. Flocks and herds must be fed, protected, nursed, and cleaned. They need daily attention, and a big farm generates much manure. The financial strategy of working with manure may not be popular, and it’s not the way to quick riches, but it works.

“Flocks and herds” refer to two different kinds of animals—perhaps sheep and cattle. They differ in their needs, but they’re alike in their growth and reproduction. They both provide regular benefits of milk and meat, or hides and wool.

Flocks and herds give us the necessities of food and clothing. No more is needed for these basic needs. But when we read that the goats will provide the price of a field, we realize that our surplus can be used to grow our productivity. This strategy of carefully covering our basic needs, but then accumulating the surplus, is the path to growth. Some farmers are very wealthy, and others are very poor, but farming—a primary industry—provides first for the necessities.

Classic Comments

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown (JFB) commentary provides the following insight:

The possession of treasures and a lofty place of power and honour has not in itself the security of everlasting duration. However, a rural economy, and particularly the rearing of cattle, gives security for food and clothing.

Charles Bridges notes that:

David kept his flocks and herds under constant inspection... The rule requires personal attention. Everything should not be left to servants....Riches are a fickle possession.

All Strategies Have Shortcomings

Flocks and herds are vulnerable to disease (e.g. the 2003 BSE, “mad cow” scare in Alberta) and drought (the 1930s “Dust Bowl”). Every financial strategy is subject to unpredictable events.

Regardless of the circumstances, we are advised to develop and grow a source of secure, productive wealth. Why? Two reasons: Riches do not last forever, and dependence on a crown (government benefits) is fickle.

Riches can be stolen, lost, or lower in value. They are inert and lifeless. They provide no benefit stored in a vault, safety deposit box, or under a mattress. Even a large nest egg can be spent quickly. Investments in assets that are merely stores of value (e.g. art, stamp, coin collections, or jewellery) provide limited benefits. On the other hand, dividend paying stocks and corporate bonds produce a regular yield—like milk and wool from a flock. Money invested in “living assets” takes regular watching, but it is a good strategy.

Even Crowns Crumble and Governments Fail

27.23 crs Parliament Hill from the Ottawa RiverAlthough not discussed explicitly in this text, government is mentioned with the word “crown.” The term crown, נזר (nē•zĕr, pronounced “nĕ-zer”), referred to in this text may imply that royalty is being addressed directly (also see 2 Samuel 1:10). Perhaps a prince is being warned not to take his royal privilege as a guarantee of any associated benefits. This is one possible reading, but I believe there are more.

This proverb may be a healthy reminder to ordinary citizens that their current government, the “powers that be,” are transitory. Becoming financially dependent on government benefits is foolish and dangerous. Human governments can change suddenly and arbitrarily. Political, financial, and demographic forces cause them to revise or retract their promises. This is especially evident in the area of constantly changing tax regulations. Unstable tax regimes bring financial insecurity.

Canadian Example

For most of the 20th century, Canadian taxpayers were encouraged to save using low risk investments, like bank savings accounts and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs). The Crown fostered personal financial stability by not taxing the first $1,000 of interest income. The intention was to grow a predictable, guaranteed income stream, and it was a great way to start a tax-free emergency fund. Unfortunately this tax break was removed in 1988, and by changing the rules the government discouraged simple saving. Taxpayers had to adjust their financial strategies.

Changing Tax Rules Drain Resources

Constantly-changing tax rules and regulations waste a nation’s economic energy. Accounting games of cat and mouse between the government and taxpayers make a country less competitive internationally. Governments should keep taxes low, simple, and stable.

Impossible, you say? It’s impossible only if taxpayers look to the government to solve all their financial problems. The unhealthy reliance on government begins when taxpayers expect the state to meet their needs, rather than praying and working as God instructs. Rather than joining the “dependency class,” we’re advised in this text to cultivate our own sources of wealth.

God is Richer than Caesar

Sometimes, if we’re trapped in a heavy government tax regime, it’s better to pay the taxes, rather than obsess about it, and waste time trying to avoid them. And don’t cut corners: Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, even when Caesar cripples the economy. Remember that God is bigger than Caesar—and much richer too. Flocks and herds are not the only source of renewable, reproductive resources. Having good client and customer relations generates reproducing benefits. Often they lead to business referrals including their own relatives and offspring.

Cultivating Clients and Customers

27.23 rs goldcoinsinsoil rgb oX1ZRJOThis proverb reveals the importance of client focus. A professional business consultant once told me that the most valuable asset in business is the relationship between the supplier and customer, or agent and client. I believe it. The three rules for success in sales are similar to a shepherd tending his flock:

  1. See the Client.
  2. See the Client.
  3. See the Client.

Customer Service

Serving customers or shepherding sheep does not bring instant riches. It takes time and an understanding of financial cycles to foster growth. This requires daily contact. It can be messy and unpleasant work. The needs of the flock supersede the convenience of the shepherd. It takes consistent effort, but provides real benefits.

A wise financial strategy is not based on previously accumulated wealth or on government benefits, but on continuous customer service. Learn to cultivate resources that, with proper care, will provide benefits for daily consumption and will also multiply.

Our Maker, Saviour, and Friend

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd,” (John 10:11).

In fact, He was the greatest Shepherd of all time. He died for His flock (John 10:11-18).

He should be our first resort and our last resort (Revelation 22:13) when it comes to dealing with financial troubles.

  • Memorize the text in your favourite Bible translation and think about it often.
  • Start to wean yourself off government handouts if you have become dependent on them.
  • Buy tools - not toys. Rent toys. When you buy tools focus on income generating tools.
  • Many don’t like the regular work associated with herd maintenance and instead prefer to try their luck with lotteries. Bad idea—discover the truth about lottery winners. Read the findings of Michel A. Bell on the topic of gambling.
  • Don’t focus on the finances but on the flock. Don’t let your affections drift from shepherding the flock (your customers) to loving a stockpile of wealth.

Which of these steps, if any, does Jesus want you to take now? Ask Him.