He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but he who is a companion of gluttons humiliates his father.
Obeying the law calls for self control, but how do gluttonous friends have to do with our finances?
Gluttony slides into sleepiness and sloth, impairing our financial and physical health. Excess feasting teaches the habit of waste, and it redirects all our energy to digestion.
When looking deeper, gluttony may be caused by a different sort of hunger.
Technically, the Hebrew word זוללם (zō•lelîm, pronounced “z-lĕ-leem”), is a plural participle (verbal adjective) for the verb זלל (zā•lĕl), “to make light of.” So, literally, it means “those making-light guys,” with the implication that they do it all the time, taking nothing seriously. So, it’s usually translated as “riotous men” or “gluttons”—party guys. It’s first used in Deuteronomy 21:18-21, and that book’s author, Moses, was not kidding around:
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his hometown. They shall say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel will hear of it and fear.
Translation: Gluttons
The root word in Hebrew, zā•lĕl, also connotes “worthless” or “making light of” in the sense of “despise” or “being vile.” So it refers to all forms of excess consumption. One person’s capacity for food is different than another’s, so eating three hamburgers may be gluttonous for one, but not for another. Nevertheless, excess is excess, be it with food, drink, or any consumable.
Teach Moderation Early
Why does a glutton humiliate his father? The father should have trained his son in self-control. Physical moderation must be taught early in life, since selfish consumption is inborn—watch any toddler. Parents need to teach their children restraint with food, or they will be humiliated by them later in life. Parents who fail to teach their kids any discipline know all about their children’s ability to humiliate them.
How Fast Not Just How Much
It’s possible that the text also refers, not to the amount of food eaten, but to the manner. God was displeased with the sons of Israel when they gorged themselves with quail (Numbers 11:33-34), driven by unrestrained hunger. They failed to eat in mindful gratitude, to the glory of God. They let their tyrannical stomachs be their God (Philippians 3:19). Learn more about the danger of uncontroled consumption by studying the word for “swallows it up” at: What is the simple secret to saving money?
The First and Worst Sin
Self-control in consumption of food is not trivial; it’s at least part of the reason that the first Adam sinned (Genesis 3:6), and it was the first point of attack (albeit unsuccessful) against the New Adam, Jesus (Matthew 4:3-4). God also called Esau immoral, because he allowed himself to be controlled by his food lust, betraying things of greater value (Hebrews 12:16).
Gluttony, the impulse of unrestrained gratification, comes naturally. Self-control and moderation are learned habits, virtues that must be taught. Consumption here isn’t limited to food and drink; it represents any sort of consumerism, like obsessions with clothing, cars, and travel—any short-term pleasure. How many parents have watched their grown children repeatedly get derailed by their inability to control their credit cards? This gluttony of the body may come from hunger pangs of the spirit.
Our Maker, Saviour, and Friend
Jesus overcame His craving for physical food by learning to draw energy from spiritual food. Meditating on God’s word (Jeremiah 15:16) and acting in God’s will gives us increased energy.
When His disciples urged him to eat (John 4:32), Jesus replied, “I have food to eat that you do not know about... My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” He received strength by being faithful to His mission.
God’s commands are not burdensome. Rather than draining our energy, they boost it, when obeyed in faith.
- Memorize the text in your favourite Bible translation and think about it often.
- Learn to practice the discipline of fasting, but do it the way Jesus advised, secretly.
- Respect the law; don’t ignore Old Testament instructions.
- Try to build and keep good father-son relationships in your family.
Which of these steps, if any, does Jesus want you to take first? Ask Him.