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Registered Resurrection Account: Part Three — Faith-Based Investing

faith-based investingThe investor must give by faith. It’s not a faith in “faith,” but a faith in God—that God will see and respond. “Without faith it is impossible to please God,” Hebrews 11:6. When we give generously by faith, we don’t know how and when God will “repay,” but He certainly will. God’s blessing is a promised reward for faith-based obedience. A “payback” is real and assured, but the specific form/quantity/media are not predictable. The blessings for faith-based obedience can take an endless number of expressions—even beyond our comprehension.

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Spiritual Secret to Successful Money Management - Part 8 of 7: Expect Miracles

expect miracles“What’s that? It must be a typo! You can’t have (8) eight of (7) seven. Impossible! Everyone knows that. You can’t make something out of nothing. You can’t feed thousands with just a few burgers. Nobody can work financial miracles; it would be like turning ordinary water into expensive wine! Face it, there are certain laws of the universe that no one can override. Besides that, everyone’s financial situation is different; it’s unique. It’s like a personal fingerprint. For God to help every person with a customized miracle, God would have to know not just their financial needs, but also their financial skills. Unbelievable! Such intimate personal knowledge would be like knowing how many hairs are on each and every head. Ridiculous!”

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Spiritual Secrets to Successful Money Management - Part 1 of 7: Ask God For Help

ask God for helpMost people in the Western World ignore God when it comes to money matters. Really? God? Which God? There’s only one Creator. He is sovereign. He understands everything divine and human—including all money matters. The Lord Jesus Christ, who physically rose from the dead (a historic fact), is God Almighty, being co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Here is the first of seven, spiritual secrets to successful money management.

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Money: Now You See Me; Now You Don’t

see money money moneyHard times in Alberta call for a financial refocus back to the Bible. Some Bible passages I find difficult to understand. For example, when God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, it soon became apparent that the desert vegetation and wildlife could not sustain them. God supplied manna, the sweet cookie-like food, six days a week. Obviously, this was miraculous. We find the full account in Exodus 16. There was enough for over two million people. The manna that came on the sixth day lasted for two days, while all other days’ manna spoiled in one day. Personal effort was required to collect this miracle food; it did not just crystallize in their baskets.

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